Perseus' Carnal Diversions

The Journal of a Sex Life Frequently Spent

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Beginning

I've started this blog to document my sexual adventures. That's a bold statement, I'll grant you. Most people have trouble enough just finding some decent sex let alone finding carnal delights which raise to the level of adventure. But over the years I have found that if you go forth and boldly seek it out, sure enough, adventure will find you. To paraphrase (and surely embarrass) Louis Pasteur, chance favors the prepared penis.

My past is not particularly important but I suppose I should mention it in passing. I started early in my teens, initiated into the fleshy delights by the ministrations of an older woman - a situation which has much to recommend it, I assure you. After some fallow school years I blossomed in my horny manliness and cut a modest but enthusiastic swath through the female population of my college. It was around this time after the requisite experiments in murky dorm rooms that I discovered my tragic heterosexuality - trendy bi-play left me tediously unaroused. Yes, it is the female flesh which is my siren song, especially when the sirens lounge upon my rocks (those wishing to slap me for that pun, get in line).

I continued my hedonistic explorations after moving to the San Francisco Bay Area in the 80's, finding no shortage of carnal opportunities of every description you care to name. It was an exhilarating time, punctuated in my memory by the pervasive smell of latex as the sexual community adopted to the realities of the post-HIV world. There were fucks, friends, and lovers, though not in the frighteningly vast numbers you may imagine. It was a happy time, but such rabbit fucking is a young man's game and in due time, difficult though it may be to believe, it does grow old. As I settled into my career and stable relationships I left that world behind me. Since then fine steady lovers and the occasional brief and happy sex fling have kept me reasonably content.

So now I find myself in the pleasant prime of life (yes, yes, it's been all downhill since 17 on the orgasmic quantity front, but good combat experience trumps mere numerical superiority) and almost by accident it seems my sexual life has become adventurous of late again. No, not the swinging from the chandeliers in leather jodhpurs kind of adventurous, but rather the happy chance meeting of intriguing women with whom recreational and occasionally kinky sex is the adventure. But then, to quote Guy Holden, "Chance is the fool's name for fate" - is it not?